Our library support staff and librarians are here to help! All of our library support staff and librarians are well-versed in a variety of crafts and can assist you in starting your project! We can help you with a variety of tasks:
We can help you find the tools, figure out the steps, and learn all about your craft at the Artisan Makers Library.
All check-out items can be renewed up to two times for a total of two weeks, as long as there are no holds on the item. Our library offers a two-day courtesy due date reminder notice sent by text or email. The Artisan Makers Library is fine-free, to promote equitable and free access to our services. The implementation of a late fine-free library system positively impacts the continued use of our library and offers library patrons a fresh start. This is also an opportunity to be relieved of any financial obstacles preventing them from continued use of valuable library services.
Our circulation policies include:
A maximum of 10 book can be checked out for a 4-week period
A maximum of 6 media materials (DVDs, audiobooks, etc.) can be checked out for a 4-week period.
Items can be renewed up to two times.
Books must be returned in good condition to remain in good-standing with the library.
There are no fines for lost or damaged books, we appreciate your honestly in reporting lost or damaged items.
The Artisan Makers Library offers tool rentals for use inside and out of the library. The tools we offer are: knitting needles, crochet hooks, paintbrushes, paint palettes, knitting looms/machines, cordless hot glue guns, embroidery hoops, scissors, rulers, Cricut Cutting Machines, and Sewing Machines.
We also encourage library patrons to bring their own supplies and tools. All tools are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for use inside the library. For use outside of the library, most tools can be checked out for a 4-week period. Tools such as the Cricut Cutting Machines and Sewing Machines can be checked out for a 2-week period. Tool rentals are available to all library patrons in good standing. As equipment is limited, there is a waitlist available for patrons to sign-up for tool use.