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The Labor Library of Southern California



Our circulation service deals with materials that are eligible to be checked in and out of the library. This service also manages inter-library loans, items on reserve, supports all of your library-related information, such as hours of operation and library policies. Here we can also help you with renewals, holds, and reservations. Workers at this station are prepared to assist you with finding all of your general information needs and finding you the proper assistance. 


Circulation Policies

Checkout: Our policies for checking out materials vary depending on the type of material.

  • Standard materials may be checked out for 3 weeks. Members can renew one time. 
  • Items from our special collections may be checked out fo up to 3 hours and must not leave the premises.
  • Union members and organizers may check out select Labor Law materials for one week. This loan can be renewed up to 3 times.  

Fines: Our library clerks with a newfound passion for workers' rights are once again stepping up to the plate for our library members. All eligible members are able to have their late fees and membership fees waived by Brian, Howard, and Lax. If you have eligibility questions, ask our staff members at the front desk.






Guests who are seeking specific information about labor history, workers' rights, organizing the workplace, and related topics can receive help at our Reference Desk. Our librarians are trained to assist you with forming research questions, directing you to the research most appropriate to your needs, and navigating our databases, archival collections, and various research tools. We also have several works in the reference area that could be of use to you. These materials are usually rare, delicate, or usually aren't read in full. Many of these items can be checked out for a period of time but must stay within the walls of LLSC to give all guests the opportunity to utilize them. For one-of-a-kind materials, they can be accessed under the supervision of one of our librarians. 


Unionization Workshops

Unionization Workshops

Our Unionization Workshops happen once a month. They are targeted towards individuals who are concerned with forming and strengthening unions in the workplace. Our head librarians and legal experts will lead you in a hands-on workshop going over topics that can be confusing, such as collective bargaining and legal jargon. These workshops are the ideal place for you to ask all of your union-related questions and find like-minded individuals who are forging a path where enhanced workers' rights are the norm. 
