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Mariposa Library


Mariposa Library's librarians and staff are ready to assist you with your library needs and questions. 

Branch Manager

Librarian I

Librarian II

Collections Librarian 

Library Assistant I 

Library Assistant II 

Library Associate 

Library Associate

Library Associate 

Library Associate

Library Associate

Facilities and Technology

Mariposa Library is a two-story 35,000 square foot library. On the first floor on can find the main service desk, the technology check-out desk,  2 self-checkout kiosks, and our print services area. There is also a computer area with 15 computers, 4 study rooms, and the entrance to the Green Oasis. Patrons can also find the Adult Fiction, Nonfiction, Spanish book collection, magazines and DVD collection. To encourage reading, the library has a quiet reading room with 10 chairs and 3 couches. 

The second floor houses the young adult and children's spaces. On the right side of the stairs, there's the Teen Area and YA Fiction Shelves. In the center, there is a second service desk and 6 computers. To the right is the Children's Library Wing which includes the Juvenile Fiction and Nonfiction, Spanish book collection as well as the DVD collection. This wing of the library also has a large Storytime area. 


children's library with tables in the center

Image credit: Eric Laignel; Johnson Favaro



Mariposa Library is generously funded by the city of Santa Ana, California state funds and grants, federal government grants, and donations. 

Mariposa Library operates through a line-item budget and program budget balanced by the Branch Manager.