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Selena Quintanilla Library

Sample for LIBR 101 Final Project: Dream Library LibGuide creation

Meet Our Staff

SQL is supported by 4 full-time MLIS holding librarians who provide research help and catalog our collections.  Their official titles are as follows:



Cataloging Librarian

Systems Librarian

Library operations are also supported by Library support staff with the following positions:

Library Technician I

Library Technician II

Library Media Specialist

Library clerk

Library clerk

Facilities and Technology

To serve our growing student population, the SQL occupies a 14,000 square foot building adjacent to the administration building near the center of campus.  The library consists of two main rooms, a collaborative space where students can use our 24 study desks and 24 desktop computer stations.  We offer printing and scanning in the technology corner.  

Our quiet reading room allows students to study independently and this is the only area of the library that enforces a quiet noise level.

Students can get help from librarians and library staff at our three service desks including the Research Assistance desk that is supported by the school librarian, the Circulation desk where books can be checked out, and the Technology check-out desk in the technology corner where laptops, hotspots, headphones, and other equipment can be borrowed.

Library Funding

The SQ Library receives funding primarily from its parent institution, Christi High School.  The Garment Collection is supported by grant funds from various grants from performing arts foundations. 

Our collections, services, and programs operate on a lump-sum budget and line-item allocations throughout the academic year.